
2013-05-12 Blogger: Posting comments no longer works (with Firefox)?

I did not even try posting any comments to blogger posts for the last few weeks if not months.

Just recently I encountered a problem when trying to post comments to blogger posts:

After entering the text and selecting a profile f.e. "Google Account" or "Anonymous",
the comment form was reset - the text cleared and the profile returned to "Select profile..."
upon clicking on "Publish" or "Preview" regardless.

That happened quickly and without any kind of other feedback - no captcha, no nothing.

Looking further into that, I found that the comment form was not delivered in the html
of the post in question directly but inside an iframe.

I also found that the post request was sent to "www.blogger.com/comment-iframe.do"
but entcountered a redirect (http status: 302 Moved Temporarily)
to "http://www.blogger.com/comment-iframe.g?blogID=...&postID=..." (I replaced the ids with "...")
and of course a post request does not work with a redirect...

I found that some people could still post comments, while others - like me - could not.

Then I found that I did not experience that problem with the browsers QupZilla and MS Internet Explorer.

Unfortunately at the time of this writing I don't know for sure, why that occurs and what can be done to correct it.

As you may not be able to comment in this blog - because of the problem described here,
you may use the - non post specific - chatango group chat to post comments,
or try another browser to comment here.

I found another Solution:
 Apparently blogger now requires 3rd party cookies enabled!
Checking "Accept third-party cookies" solved the comment posting problem for me.

- Even though, I may think, it has given me a problem with my browsers privacy settings now!